Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Check the ignored facts - CAG

अपने घर पे कभी ज़ाक के नहीं देखा कभी,
महेफिलो में बहार वालो के हम अफ़साने कहते है

We all intellectual people what BBC, CNN may be we know more about the world then our own land. Thats the two liner

I am a poet but believe me I am bad in writing any article. Blog is something I never though I will maintain. But There are so many things around us which are ignored , I though I will make an attempt to put some light on it.

Bigger awareness always starts with smaller one so let me start with CAG. Who cares what is CAG. That was my first reaction. Thats called "Comptroller & Auditor General of India" ...

Damn..did I miss spelled it, thats what anyone will assume..since I never do spell check and I am Gujju from Gujju school. But Thats how it is spelled its not "Controller.."

Interesting isnt it. Today I came to know about a person who keep checks on our money. I call it our money because sometimes its better to feel that the portion of my money is used to run this country

His name is Mr. Vinod Rai. I never heard his name. I was curious to know "Where money goes" apart from the pocket of our polititians. Mr Rai and his team has the answer.

The data I am going to publish here is an attempt to show you how rich we are but yet so poor because we are not aware and responsible to act.

What start from India, Let me start with Maharastra, since I am from Amchi Mumbai..
As per Section 1.1 of General Audit Report Follwoing is the revenue generated by Maharastra Government for from Taxes during 07-08..I believe only Salaries people pay.

Tax revenue : 47,528.41 Cr
Receipts from the Government of India : 15,106.77 Cr.

Go to CAG Site to check how it is spent and how much we lost.
Do you know the reason, its unawareness and not taking the reponsibility and action.

More than politicians, we are responsible. So from tomorrow, Lets start with just asking ...

Warm regards


  1. Thanks Chan!!!
    Please keep contributing like this and keep making us more aware..

    Best to the Public!!!!

  2. That was really good. I wish you could write more about the CAG and give some highlights about the Goverment expenditure. I request you to continue this blog and put it the way you have written this. Hope to see similar good stuff from you.
    Jayesh Mohite(Charlotte NC)
