Monday, June 14, 2010

The First and Last Freedom - Meditation

Amazing word this freedom is. Many people use it in many context. But all the meanings come down to only one statement. "I am free right here right now". It is very paradoxical statement, and how is it possible because at every moment we are bound by something.

Can we get rid of any of the thought or any of the problems, I believe not and no one like us does since we are all "Sansari" and carry out our duties

From mind to no mind and from something to nothing to everything is what the word Meditation is all about.

The "living in present moment" phenomena is experienced by only human is Child.

Once we grow as adult, somewhere we lost it. The only moment we live that present moment is during orgasm. But can that be last? Its as physical level but still you feel glims of meditaion , the no thought and the completeness.

And Meditation is like being joyful because it is all about accepting your mind so that it becomes no mind.We are not even aware that there is mind which plays with us. For us the definition of mind is "I am Mind" and that is "Bhranti", an illusion.

Witnessing your mind and watching your thoughts pass by will give you immense knowledge about your mind. Once you know your mind, there is no better and interesting subject will exist in world.

So what it has to offer :
Freedom from the impact of thoughts as you will be witness to the thoughts
Freedom from the results of Karma with the awareness that you did not do it
Freedom from your mind since you will know that you are not your mind
Freedom from "I" since pure consiousness will blossom

Meditation, the first and last freedom, be free right here right now
